Human Resource Analytics: Employee Attrition

Ahmad Firdaus
2 min readSep 12, 2023


Employee attrition, also known as employee turnover, refers to the rate at which employees leave an organization and need to be replaced by new hires. It is a critical metric for businesses to track because high attrition rates can have several negative impacts, including increased recruitment and training costs, decreased productivity, and disruptions in workflow.

Employee attrition can be influenced by various factors, including:

1. Demographics: Demographic factors such as age, gender, marital status, and family size can play a role in attrition. For example, employees in certain life stages (e.g., those with young children) may prioritize work-life balance and job stability, while others may be more mobile in their careers.

2. Income: Compensation is a significant factor in attrition. Employees who feel they are underpaid or not fairly compensated for their work may be more likely to leave for better-paying opportunities elsewhere.

3. Job Role: Different job roles within an organization may have varying attrition rates. Some roles may be more demanding or less satisfying, leading to higher turnover. Others may offer better career growth prospects, which can influence retention.

4. Education Field: The field of education or academic background can impact job satisfaction and attrition. Some employees may seek opportunities more aligned with their education, while others may have diverse skills applicable to various roles.

To effectively manage and reduce attrition, organizations often conduct analyses to identify the specific factors driving turnover within their workforce. By addressing these factors, they can implement retention strategies tailored to their unique situation and workforce demographics.

Here is the case study for HR Analytics of Employee Attrition using Tableau

you can visit the interactive dashboard created in Tableau here



Ahmad Firdaus

Data science passionate about uncovering insights and solving complex problems. Background in mathematics from Kyushu Univ. Skilled in Python, SQL, Tableau.